I remember the lead up to Christmas, the final week of term,
comprising endless movies, chocolates, and fun activities in primary school. In
some years of secondary school this was also the case. I remember the
overwhelming levels of excitement flooding me and every one of my classmates. It’s
a little bit depressing to reminisce on my childish excitement while sat in the
library trying to cram my brain with history notes for my mock this week.
Yes, I’m procrastinating again by writing this blog post.
It’s the final week of term; we’re nearly there. Nearly
free. I’ve been trying to get into the Christmas spirit for a while now, but
failing abysmally. I gave my dog an early Christmas present (a penguin dressed
as Santa) to get in the Christmas spirit, but even that failed. It was a short
lived excitement watching him run wild with a penguin in his mouth. I’ve decided
that he’ll be the hardest to leave when I go to university. I haven’t been more
than two weeks without seeing him for seven years.
I want to feel Christmassy—I really, really do. It feels wrong
not to. My college have students dressed as elves, singing Christmas songs a
floor below me which is slightly annoying when I’m trying to study but at the
same time I wish I felt that level of excitement. With mocks this week, coursework
deadlines, and an interview on Wednesday that excitement feels impossible to
achieve. Soon. Just a few days to go!
Once this final university has made its decision on whether
to give me an offer or not, then I’ll have all decisions in! I’m excited to
finally move onto the next stage and pick my firm and insurance choices so I can
start looking at accommodation and falling in love with my (hopeful) new home.
Anyway, I should go to class.
Happy holidays, everyone!